Who is Dr. Emilia Brown?
As a lover of many things creative and nerdy, Dr. Brown has always teetered dangerously toward being a ‘Jane of all trades, master of none’. With encouragement from someone who has an impossible task (being the spouse of a psychologist), she decided to try her hand at sharing her thoughts and musings more broadly about the intersection of mental health and nerdy pursuits. Dr. Brown’s hope is to use this podcast as a platform for a little bit of rebellion – stepping outside of the limits of healthcare in order to make sure everyone has accessibility to the education and understanding needed for us all to achieve mental health and happiness. And if she can nerd out with a close friend while she’s doing it? All the better.
Dr. Emilia Brown is a licensed clinical psychologist based in Austin, Texas. She specializes in psychosocial rehabilitation and the treatment and de-stigmatization of severe and persistent mental illness. Dr. Brown primarily works with United States Veterans, providing therapeutic treatment in addition to education, training, and consultation to Veterans’ providers, loved ones, and surrounding communities. Dr. Brown holds an Affiliate Faculty Position at the University of Texas – Austin in Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Dell Medical School and was the 2020-2022 Chair of the Serious Mental Illness / Severe Emotional Disturbance Section within the American Psychological Association’s Division 18. She is the invited 2024-2026 Podcast Producer for the Division 18 VA Section following the successful development of her own podcast, Bat Therapy: Mental Health through the Lens of Comics and Film.
Who is Keeden Hopkins?

Keeden is an accomplished educator and an avid lover of all things nerdy, and he still wants to be a Transformer when he grows up. He’s been a comic book lover like his father before him for as long as he can remember. Keeden has always loved talking and sharing his passion for comic books and he is really excited to be able to do something fun with it while also shedding light on how important mental health is. He has always loved picking Emilia’s (who he likes to call Doc Brown) brain when it comes to both comics and mental health in today’s world so when she wanted to do a podcast on the two things, they talk about most, he came running! Batman and his rogue’s gallery have always been his favorite, but he also loves hitting all the good spots for DC, Marvel, IDW, and Vertigo.